Operational Scalability: Laura McCann of Adoratherapy On How To Set Up Systems, Procedures, And…

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Operational Scalability: Laura McCann of Adoratherapy On How To Set Up Systems, Procedures, And People To Prepare A Business To Scale

Wear All the Hats: In many ways, if you have done the work the small intricacies of the work are clear to you. Being a small business owner makes it possible to have stepped in ‘their shoes’. Not only will your team respect that you ‘get the work’, you also will ‘get them’. Not only will this help with defining the processes but hiring the right people to manage it. When I write a job description, it’s not a didactic experience, it is experiential.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, scalability is not just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Entrepreneurs often get trapped in the daily grind of running their businesses, neglecting to put in place the systems, procedures, and people needed for sustainable growth. Without this foundation, companies hit bottlenecks, suffer inefficiencies, and face the risk of stalling or failing. This series aims to delve deep into the intricacies of operational scalability. How do you set up a framework that can adapt to growing customer demands? What are the crucial procedures that can streamline business operations? How do you build a team that can take on increasing responsibilities while maintaining a high standard of performance?

In this interview series, we are talking to CEOs, Founders, Operations Managers Consultants, Academics, Tech leaders & HR professionals, who share lessons from their experience about “How To Set Up Systems, Procedures, And People To Prepare A Business To Scale”. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Laura McCann.

Laura McCann is the Founder and CEO of Adoratherapy. She invites us on a journey of healing our energy field through breath and intention using all-natural essential oil-based fragrances. After many years as a successful entrepreneur in fashion, retail and tech, Laura experienced major health issues culminating from years of stress. On her journey to recovery, she opened herself to healing her mind, body, heart, and spirit. Aromatherapy combined with breathwork changed her life. Adoratherapy’s unique perspective on conscious beauty transcends ingredients, formulation, and traditional fragrance methods by creating breathable scents. Laura is called a “Life Coach in a Bottle”, her mission is to remind you to adore yourself one breath at a time.

Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

From an early age I was driven by a desire to self-express. A child actress, I started on the stage, and progressed to film and commercials when I was seven years old. At the time I was living in Miami. By the time I was sixteen, my mother divorced and moved me and my siblings to France. It was quite a lesson in survival. I landed a lead in a French film called “La Petite Sirene” in my teens that catapulted me onto movie screens and on the pages of magazines.

I quickly learned I didn’t have the desire to be a product. Instead, I moved back to the states for college, got accepted to Parsons School of Design in New York and then spent twenty years in fashion as a designer and entrepreneur.

I learned how to develop products for many well-known retail brands and honed my skills as a CEO. I started my entrepreneurial journey at twenty-six. I grew my first business to $40M in sales, started my family and tapped into entrepreneurship as my new form of expression.

To handle the expansion needed to hold space for success, family, and myself, I invested in personal transformation courses. I became clear that to tap into my possibilities for the greatest personal growth I needed a language of transformation and possibility.

Over the years I had never learned to manage my stress, my breath, my energy, and I lacked a spiritual focus. I’ve spent the last thirty years figuring out the hack: learning to adore myself! Now I share that journey at my brand Adoratherapy, a leader in the aromatherapy and clean beauty industry.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

My funniest mistake was early in my fashion career when I planned a sourcing trip to Asia. I flew to Taiwan and didn’t realize my visa had expired. When I arrived at customs my passport was seized. I was moved me into an overnight detention center at the airport and was allowed my one phone call, just like in jail. I had no option but to fly home to New York or to Hong Kong where I could get my visa renewed, so I arranged it with my office on a very expensive call. Sleeping on a cot and waiting to be deported was embarrassing but also in retrospect hilarious. When I arrived in Hong Kong and checked into my hotel, I bumped into a long-lost friend. The timing was clearly not planned, so this meeting was somehow miraculous. This was a person I had thought about and couldn’t find. I realized then that we have destinies, and that the Universe can create serendipity out of what feels like disaster. I learned to trust myself and to observe my wins and losses in a new way. I have come to understand there is always a silver lining, and, to reframe my beliefs: we may be more powerful than we realize. We just need to surrender and laugh at ourselves.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

When I did the competitive research for Adoratherapy, which I always do when I consult or start a company, I saw this white space between beauty and wellness. This was back in 2015. A few years ago, this trend became a reality.

Before that when I explained our vision of ‘Scent with Intent’ and ‘Functional Fragrance’ it missed its mark. The beauty retail channels that I wanted to be in were not knowledgeable about essential oils or aromatherapy or marketing them to their consumers.

My years in the fashion industry set me on a path to be a great trend hunter. But being early to market with a new idea requires missionary work, and for a small business that is an expensive undertaking and being an evangelist is risky and hard. I know this problem well; I was first to market with Fashion PLM back in 2000 with Zweave a SaaS Technology company I founded in 2000. The Aromatherapy category required this kind of work. People think essential oils are for diffusers or associated them with their cousin or neighbor who want to sell them oils when they join some of the MLM’s like Doterra and Young Living. We were using them to make clean perfume that was healing and breathable.

For the first few years in the business, we focused on selling wholesale like many independent beauty brands, and we did indeed open five hundred retail doors rather quickly: we created a great story, award winning packaging and we created a display with testers that created a vending machine type of replenishment opportunity. We sold to Whole Foods, spas and specialty retailers. But we did not get reorders fast enough, which told me we were not going to survive.

Right before the pandemic, I was moving the company to online and a Direct-to-Consumer focus to address this issue. I had hesitated to do this with a scent-based company because people can’t try the scents easily and we’d need to set up a sampling program. No one had really done this until Phlur, a fragrance brand that launched a very successful trial concept online. They raised millions. I had not. To execute an online vision as a solo entrepreneur with a very small team, I had to learn a whole new set of skills: setting up a Shopify website, setting up email marketing and social media channels, developing content, the list was endless and the expenses constant. By that time the change in the Apple IOS made running ads a zero-sum game. It was time to re-evaluate, quit or pivot again, DTC wasn’t the path either. But we learned a lot and we did add sampling to our website and I learned so much about ecommerce and digital marketing.

In the middle of Covid, I had a dream about a retail location in downtown Asheville called the Grove Arcade. It is a historic building, one of the first Malls developed in America in the early part of the century. The building is fantastic, reminiscent of a European shopping arcade with big atriums, sunlight pouring in and old-world charm. I immediately checked online and, sure enough they had a space for rent. My third eye and intuition has always served me well.

I was terrified to go into retail, the hours, being in front of the customer, I loved to shop but to be the shopkeeper? When I found out they were splitting a larger space into two spaces, and we could afford the rent I signed a lease. It was a hail Mary to be honest. And so, here we are today: We introduced a permanent aura and chakra reading studio in our store and the aromatherapy business has literally transformed.

We were willing to re-envision our brand as a retail first concept, instead of following the path of our competitors who are all in on DTC and wholesale. When we didn’t worry about failing forward, tried new things, trusted our guts, and embraced our concept fully we saw success increases in all the key metrics like LTV (Lifetime Value), Referrals, AOV (average order value).

We also got better at telling our story to the consumer in person and online. We homed in on our brand’s core values and it shows in our reviews, traffic (online and in person) and in the awards we are receiving for the products but also for me as an entrepreneur.

This year alone we received the Best perfume 2023 award by CertClean, the Healing Lifestyles Magazine Earth Day Award. We are nominated for the Next best Indie brand by Beauty Matter, a finalist in Wellspa360’s Reader’s Choice Awards and I have received the 2023 Women Entrepreneur Best in Business award by Asheville’s Woman Up Chamber of Commerce initiative.

When I began my journey building Adoratherapy I wanted to build a brand that was clean, green, and conscious. I was recently quoted in an article The Future of Beauty is conscious, and am thrilled the industry caught up. I want to be a part of that future. After eight years building this brand, I have come to realize the journey is what it’s all about. There is no destination.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

What has made me a successful business leader is my courage, curiosity, and compassion!

Courage: Entrepreneurship requires stepping out into the unknown, but it also requires commitment and accountability. The buck stops with you, and it costs lots of bucks. You are often spending or not making any money in the beginning. The financial fortitude required would make most people ‘bend the knee’. It is often easier to quit, give up, and surrender. Courage makes it harder to do so. Courage is associated with the solar plexus chakra, it’s all about fight or flight and handling the adrenal hits. I find that I am very “Solar Plexy” and entrepreneurship suits me well as a result.

Curiosity: What goes well with the solar plexus chakra? The Third Eye! We offer a service called Auratherapy in our store. Our aura readings are incredibly accurate and informative. My third eye is typically one of my highest chakras. Having a big open third eye chakra helps me trust myself. I can combine my intuition with drive. My curiosity is what makes me take on projects and do hard things, not my ego.

Compassion: Compassion is something I need to work on. Giving love to others and receiving love is easy enough. The hard part? Loving myself. My desire to create, manifest, grow and up level means I can be tough on myself. My business is aligned with my mission to remind people to adore themselves. I made this my mission because when I learned this it helped me keep my heart chakra open, and I began to heal and in turn became better at creating the life and relationships I wanted and deserved.

Leadership often entails making difficult decisions or hard choices between two apparently good paths. Can you share a story with us about a hard decision or choice you had to make as a leader? I’m curious to understand how these challenges have shaped your leadership.

When I started the business, I had a co-founder. It didn’t work out. Decisions needed to be made about who would stay and who would go. I chose to stay and stand firm in my commitment to the business. The business was like a toddler, with lots of complexity and required tons of energy. I had made a big financial and time commitment to get to that point, two years into the business, and I felt I was the best person to guide it to its maturity.

Ultimately, we were able to separate because I had built a strong legal foundation. It took quite a while to steer the business to stability and going it alone was not an easy choice. What I learned from the process is that businesses relationships are like a marriage, without the benefits. I also learned that people bring their trauma with them to work, me included. As painful as all of this has been I am better for it and have evolved my leadership style to remain open hearted and compassionate but with clear boundaries.

Thank you for all that. Let’s now turn to the main focus of our discussion about Operational Scalability. In order to make sure that we are all on the same page, let’s begin with a simple definition. What does Operational Scalability mean to you?

Operational scalability means that systems, people, and processes are in place to support growth.

Which types of business can most benefit from investing in Operational Scalability?

Every business can benefit from Operational Scalability, even ones with solopreneurs. Of course, when people are involved, it makes even more sense to create repeatable foundational and institutional frameworks that make taking action safe, successful and sound.

As a retailer we need many systems in place to operate a store for instance: training manuals to explain procedures or product knowledge to make sure guests can be supported on their shopping journey.

I have learned that Operational Scalability needs to be supported by Foundational Scalability: Legal, Finance and HR.

Why is it so important for a business to invest time, energy, and resources into Operational Scalability?

My experience is with smaller businesses where the need for scalability is often challenged by a lack of resources, time being the biggest one. Many small businesses build as they go. When they need to grow, they are usually past the point of expiration: they need systems in place fast. The challenge with not baking in scalable processes from the beginning is that at some point there is a bottleneck.

When I built my first business, I had worked at a similar business, so I had a sense of what we needed, but in fact I had never run a business before. It was heavy lifting. My organizational skills saved me. I desperately looked for efficiencies, found them and enjoyed documenting them and building resources to support our growing team. The benefits of being a right and left brained person is that I liked this kind of work.

In big companies, internal teams are often matched with business analysts from consulting firms because the internal team member is a subject matter expert and the consultant a general matter expert. In startups, like mine, a founder wears many hats. In my case I do everything from packaging design to marketing, sales, and manufacturing to finance and legal. I find that having the experience of doing each task or project makes it very clear how to operationalize ‘the thing’. Taking the time to write it down is another thing. Often the roadmap is imparted verbally or until such time as the need to put it into writing is necessary.

In many cases, today, with many companies using third party tools and software a lot of the company’s institutionalized learning is layered onto knowing how to use a system. The Operational Scalability secret sauce is a blend of skill and just in-time experience.

In contrast, what happens to a business that does not invest time, energy, and resources into Operational Scalability?

I don’t believe we can have it all, all the time. Most businesses prioritize where and when to invest in energy and resources to build Operational Scalability and pain is often the way we rank what to address first. Every business is different.

For some failures will be addressable and you can make a mistake once and fix it and move on. In other cases, there can be a complete failure which makes a business’s likelihood of recovering too expensive or too challenging to go on.

An example of this type of failure would be not addressing customer service or internal HR issues head on. Often the people ‘stuff’ causes the most reputational challenges. Marketing is an area that is trickier than ever as brands try to address equity in a country that is so diverse culturally. Letting a junior staff member for instance make decisions about posting certain content can cause irreparable harm.

The secret to not letting Operational Scalability get the best of you is to bite off small chunks quarterly and address things before they scale too big.

Can you please share a story from your experience about how a business grew dramatically when they worked on their Operational Scalability?

When we started Adoratherapy, we outsourced manufacturing. We placed an order and products came back to us We’d inventory them and as we received orders we’d fulfill. In the past my partner did that at home, what you would call a ‘kitchen table business’.

I knew that to grow the business we’d need to address margins, ours were not scalable, so our wholesale prices did not support all the costs from marketing to sales to distribution. My background was in sourcing, and I took it upon myself to redesign our packaging, address our pricing, and focused on building out our supply chain partners to get our margins where I wanted them to be.

We took over manufacturing and fulfilment and built our own factory. We found box and bottle suppliers overseas and refined our cost of goods to meet our gross margin requirements. We trained people to ship and established efficiencies that allowed us to support a DTC order with one item or a wholesale item with fifty.

Because of this, Adoratherapy is fully vertical. We have control over our supply chain and our destiny. Many of my friends who are brand owners rely on third party logistics companies and contracting partners to build their businesses.

I knew I wanted a vertical business and built the operational plan to make it a reality. Some would argue it is expensive and one should focus on a singular core competency. I disagree. In a crowded marketplace, with so many brands entering the market with minimal differentiation, being a vertical brand sets us apart.

Here is the primary question of our discussion. Based on your experience and success, what are the “Five Most Important Things A Business Leader Should Do To Set Up Systems, Procedures, And People To Prepare A Business To Scale”? If you can, please share a story or an example for each.

1 . Wear All the Hats: In many ways, if you have done the work the small intricacies of the work are clear to you. Being a small business owner makes it possible to have stepped in ‘their shoes’. Not only will your team respect that you ‘get the work’, you also will ‘get them’. Not only will this help with defining the processes but hiring the right people to manage it. When I write a job description, it’s not a didactic experience, it is experiential.

Skills are one thing, but I have learned that emotional intelligence and personality are as important than a resume. I want to make sure someone is energetically aligned with the work. In our case we do aura readings on our candidates. Their aura reading shows strengths and weaknesses. We hire for success, matching humans to experiences they can grow in and enjoy, not plugging people into jobs.

Before we looked at a candidate’s energy when we hired, we had a person in shipping that couldn’t keep up and it troubled me endlessly that they were overwhelmed. When they quit, I did their job to find out what the issue was. I hadn’t set up the systems they were using, someone else had, and I found that there were small adjustments to the work that streamlined many steps. Lesson learned: Not everyone on your team should build systems and check things that are not working as they clearly indicate something needs to be addressed. In this case the employee didn’t have the ability to create a system that worked or recommend a change, they simply got overwhelmed.

2. Build — Test — Deploy: Frame the system definition as a group project that will be stress tested by all including senior management. Many a problem can be avoided by using the principles of agile software development when deploying systems. By gathering requirements, writing documentation, using the documentation in multiple settings and scenarios, and stress testing it you can get buy in and refine.

When everyone owns it, it’s not pushed from the top to the bottom. People like to have a voice and have many things to contribute so organize the teams in such a way as to include requirements from every level of the organization. Don’t forget to revisit things, technology moves fast, and many things change. Your team may not have the authority to adapt a process without your consent, so check in as needed.

I built an ambassador program before Covid and we had one hundred influencers we managed and compensated with affiliate fees. We used spreadsheets and it was time consuming. I hired an intern and trained them to do the work and follow the steps. Things slowed down when everyone shut down in the Spring of 2020. When we came back from the Pandemic break, we found out there was a better software package we could use that was now integrated with our Shopify store. It required an update to our process. I hired the intern as my community manager because she had so much knowledge and could step in and adapt. She’s been with me for three years and I let her run the program with very little involvement.

3. R-E-S-P-E-C-T: In many companies there is a hierarchy of senior management and ‘underlings’. In many cases, senior management spends more time with executives than the ‘rank and file’. Boring! Most of what I want to know, learn or understand about my company is happening on the field not in the bleachers. Adapting corporate culture to see everyone as an individual contributor, not their title or pay grade is the key to having a team that speaks its truth. This doesn’t imply that you must build friendships or call your employees a family. What it does mean is you need to have unconditional respect for your employees.

Of course, you will have preferences, people you like more than others. Every leader knows that what comes around goes around and respect is a two-way street. I am a middle child, so I know what it’s like to compete for attention. I want my team to feel they all have access to me, and I want them to feel they can make mistakes.

Most people are terrified when they make a mistake. Mistakes are opportunities to learn. A new store employee shipped a full-size product instead of its sample size. We had just added the sample size to the website, and I mentioned it in an email. She was three weeks into the store job and missed the detail. It was a small detail and yes it cost money. I’ve done it too, misread something or not caught the detail, so I know, been there, done that. We sent a note to the client, telling her she got lucky but if she still wanted the mini size product, we’d send it. Three days later she ordered three more products. We turned a problem into a win.

I want everyone I work with to leave me better than I found them: more training, more confidence, and more recognition. That’s respect.

4 . A/ B Test your Theories: A/B testing is shorthand for a randomized controlled experiment, in which two samples (A and B) are compared. A/B tests are widely considered the simplest form of controlled experiment. An example would be testing a subject line in an email to see which one has more opens or creating two versions of a website page to see which one converts better to a sale.

Remember when a successful startup gets money and the first thing they do is set up amazing offices, buy fancy furnishings and fill the fridges with cool snacks to retain the best employees. That is not going to work anymore. Employees want to work from home and lean into a more balanced life.

Many businesses had to totally reinvest in their operational procedures to simply deal with the fact that employees weren’t going to come back to the office. To me it’s like Ikea furniture versus a beautiful antique. In some ways one is easy to buy, ship and put together and when you move you dump it or give it away. The other has meaning and heritage but every time you move you must pay to move it and find a spot that it works in.

Businesses pivot, all the time, and systems and procedures need to be flexible enough to endure another round of changes. The good news is that building out A/B scenarios and systems just got easier with AI. You can literally ask ChatGPT to create systems for you based on your existing systems and a new scenario and in minutes you receive your first draft. Gone are the days of defining and refining. Today you iterate and reiterate with a little help from artificial intelligence. Hello world!

5 . Scaling You: Remember to Adore Yourself:

Marianne Williamson said: “You must learn to love yourself first before you can truly love another. Self-love sets the foundation for healthy relationships and a fulfilling life.” I couldn’t agree more. Since psychology missed the ball on revealing my energetic me, I began to layer new types of healings over traditional therapy to access and recover what I now call “My Divine Self”. This is when I realized I needed to “Adore Myself”.

For me, adoring myself is partnering my dominant solar plexus energy with my above-average third eye energy. As a right-left brain thinker I was doing the heavy lifting of “getting stuff done”, but I was leaving behind my self-trust and intuition. This was a recipe for disaster. I ended up in my forties suffering from many health issues tied to an overactive gut-adrenal lifestyle. Once I came into alignment, all my health issues went away.

Many leaders focus on performance, hacking their bodies and their minds. I have a lot of CEO friends, and some do triathlons, others meditate, others spend time going from one coaching method to another all-in hopes of finding their superpowers. The explain they are taking care of themselves and loving themselves more.

While self-love and adoration share common threads, they are not identical. Adoration encompasses a broader scope, extending beyond the individual self to include a deep reverence and appreciation for the world around us. Adoration recognizes our interconnectedness with all beings and the universe, inviting a sense of awe and gratitude for the divine presence within and outside of ourselves. For me adoration allows me to access a new dimension of self-love — one that transcends my egoic desires and embraces a higher state of consciousness. That is where I want to create operational scalability. The goal is to scale myself.

What are some common misconceptions businesses have about scaling? Can you please explain?

Common misconceptions are that growth can ruin you if you grow too fast. I recently read a book called “Glossy: Ambition, Beauty, and the Inside Story of Emily Weiss” about the founder of Glossier a DTC Unicorn beauty brand. In the book they describe the fast growth fueled by hundreds of millions of dollars of venture capital, and millions of dollars in sales, raving fans, and innovative products.

I felt that the author missed the story: she was quick to blame growth on the dip in the business. The author highlights the weaknesses of the CEO, and the company culture and seemed to imply that the personality of the founder had something to do with the eventual decline of the business after Covid.

I believe our businesses are reflections of our inner worlds, our sense of self, our egos and our innate and divine talents, not personality or hard work. When we fail or lose ground or have problems in the business, there is usually a reason that transcends what we see on the surface.

Every entrepreneur has a hidden door that leads us to our darker side, one where the light doesn’t shine, the place where our fears, traumas and insecurities lie. I have never built a billion-dollar business, but I have been an entrepreneur for over thirty years. Building anything is hard. Building something big is harder. A twenty-four-year-old CEO who builds a unicorn business in six years is indeed a genius, someone who is incredibly skilled at business and growth. But a thirty-year-old who grew up in their business bubble hasn’t had much time to do the emotional and energetic healing work required to creative massive success and abundance without cratering.

Failing is success. It is how you know you need to do the inner work. It’s how you know you need to adjust the flight pattern to land the plane. But scaling without personal growth is a recipe for failure. Like I said: To successfully scale you need to adore yourself.

How do you keep your team motivated during periods of rapid growth or change?

As a company that works with ‘energy’ we like to understand our team member’s personality. Typically, someone who is grounded and has a strong solar plexus energy and is mentally focused can deal with growth when it is built on top of stability. Stability and growth are not opposites, they are partners. These individuals like systems and processes and while change might be stressful to them focusing them on building the foundation or knowing one will be in place helps.

Other team members are more intuitive and empathic. For these people reassurance around the direction, and how they fit into it is important. Allowing them to express their concerns and solutioning will give them a sense of belonging. These individuals are more feeling, and structure can feel limiting, so it is important to give them room to try to get it right.

My son works in sales, and he was telling me that his company created goals that not only exceeded his year over year sales by 20% but then also added a 10% buffer for the house. He was incensed. This didn’t motivate him at all. It felt like he was being set up to fail with no incentive for reward.

Aromatherapy helps in the workplace, as it allows us to create new pathways through scent and breath to keep our brains from storing memories from bad situations. By taking action to course correct our minds and nervous systems when under stress we can truly scale ourselves to handle what work throws our way.

We know things can and will go wrong, when we need an alignment, we use our products: Clear Away which acts like a smudge stick in a bottle clears peoples energy field and spaces from negativity. We encourage our team to take a minute to breathe and transform. My go to products are the Chakra 1 Vitality Chakra Perfume Oil to ground my root chakra and the Chakra 6 Clarity Perfume oil for my third eye. When I am burned out, I use Chakra 3 Motivation perfume oil for my solar plexus.

Most people are looking for a reciprocal energy exchange, not a hierarchical one. Asking and requesting, nudging, and inspiring work better then ultimatums or one-sided referendums. And always remember to breathe in and exhale out. Don’t hold the breath in and don’t shallow breathe.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

My father always said: “Actions speak louder than words. What you see is what you get. What are you pretending not to know”? I apply this to everything. With relationships it reminds me that there is something visible and invisible in someone’s behaviors and words and to notice how I feel not letting my mind make decisions without asking my gut to weigh in.

In business, this helps me take notice of what I might be missing because I am ego driven instead of trusting my path is divine.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

My movement is reminding you to adore yourself. It is what my book “Auratherapy: A guide to adoring yourself, your chakras and your aura” is about. I co-authored it with my partner Jim Levinson. We wrote the book after doing 3000 aura readings in less than 3 years. We learned so many amazing things about how people use their energy and needed to share the good news: everyone is unique and amazing.

Adoration serves as a potent healing method akin to Reiki, traditional medicine, or therapy. By directing adoration towards self, we tap into a wellspring of infinite love and acceptance, dissolving past traumas, karmic patterns, and daily stress. It nourishes our aura and chakras, creating a harmonious energetic flow within us.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Follow us at @adoratherapy on all the social platforms. We are on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, YouTube and TikTok.

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

Operational Scalability: Laura McCann of Adoratherapy On How To Set Up Systems, Procedures, And… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.