Reba Ayi-Sobsa and Ivan Oyik of ‘by their fruits’: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became An Artist

Anything that inspires, supports and encourages Children both practically in their development and in their creative endeavours. We can all learn something from our inner child and from giving to the children in our present.
As a part of our series about “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became An Artist” I had the pleasure of interviewing Reba Ayi-Sobsa and Ivan Oyik of by their fruits.
Ivan is a London based actor. He recently appeared as Myles North in a recurring role in Ludwig (BBC), and was nominated for The Stage Debut Awards — Best Actor in a Play following his performance as Christopher in Blue/Orange at Birmingham Rep. Ivan’s other theatre credits include Shook (Southwark Playhouse) and Red Pitch (Ovalhouse). Ivan also had a three episode story arc in Doctors (BBC).
Reba trained at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). Credits include Black Mirror S7 (Netflix) and Daisy Chains (The Production Exchange).
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?
Reba Ayi-Sobsa
I grew up with a lot of love and support around me. I was always a bouncy baby as my parents say. I have an older brother who has Dravet Syndrome and Autism which was tough growing up and still is, but my home environment has always been one of fullness and faith. I loved sports, writing and of course Acting. My Saturdays were the best, I attended Italia Conti from the age of 3–18 , which definitely fuelled my love for the Arts. I really loved school, laughing and joking with my friends in every lesson was definitely a highlight. And I loved to play outside!
Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?
My career is still budding but I have to say walking into a particular group audition room and sweating my life away was madness. The movement pushed me beyond what I thought my body could do. It was a beautiful release but phew!.. my knees were in bits.
Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?
I have stories that I could share for days- many I’d get in trouble for sharing! Some interactions are with strangers, some with close friends. My best friend is probably the most interesting, he’s so hyperactive, enigmatic and never stops moving or talking. A larger-than-life character indeed. I remember one time we were in central London shopping and out of nowhere he started a huge fake argument with me on the tube and of course I played along, the reactions from people were priceless.
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
I work with kids in Year One as a TA and making them laugh and smile every day is part of the goodness, I believe I contribute. I define my success through my growth in my faith and as an individual, which in turn nourishes my Acting and those kids are significantly part of the network of people I give back to.
If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.
Anything that inspires, supports and encourages Children both practically in their development and in their creative endeavours. We can all learn something from our inner child and from giving to the children in our present.
Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?
Ivan Oyik
It was my careers advisor that actually recommended I get into acting when I was in secondary school. Prior to that I had no real interest in taking it seriously, but he saw me in one of my school performances and here we are now!
What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?
Currently by their fruits is what is taking up my time and it’s been a real challenge that I’ve welcomed as it’s pushed me as an actor in exploring poetry and movement in a way I’ve never done before.
Where do you draw inspiration from? Can you share a story about that?
My main inspiration comes from my younger brothers, one who unfortunately passed away when I was a teenager who has made me make sure that I live everyday as if it’s my last and not to worry about what I can’t control.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why.
- Keep your faith in every situation
- There will be roles for you
- What’s for you, won’t pass you
- The tough times will not last, they will get better
- Taxes!
We have been blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she just might see this.
Ryan Coogler, seeing his journey and how incredible he is in his work and craft is amazing to witness.
What is the best way our readers can follow you on social media?
@initiativedkf @ivanoyik @reez.ey
This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!
Reba Ayi-Sobsa and Ivan Oyik of ‘by their fruits’: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.